Roman is a travel influencer from Roseau, MN. His Roseau adventures are shared on the Go Roseau website. When he is not sharing his travels online, he’s dreaming of where he’ll end up next.
Roman has Roseau roots but is ready for his next great travel adventure. Take him on your next trip and click a photo of him living it up. Share his journey by uploading a photo with the QR code. Then check back every month as Roman guides you through his day visiting highlights in his hometown of Roseau. His adventures will include; a behind-the-scenes look at manufacturing at Polaris Ind., a peek in the kitchen at Nelson’s Cafe on potato dumpling day, a ride on the City of Roseau fire truck, and splashing through the mud at the ATV park. Who knows where Roman will turn up? Drop us a message at to let us know where you think Roman should roam next!
If you’re heading on a great adventure, or visiting the community of Roseau, and would like to take Roman on a vacation with you, shoot us a message and let us know you’re looking for a new travel companion. Roman is currently single, rarely snores, is a light packer, and loves to talk hockey and snowmobiling. That makes Roman the perfect travel pal! Be sure to check back for an update on Roman’s adventures, and remember to share his journeys with us.