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Gilbertson Baseball Field

Hey guys, it’s Roman the Gnome, and I am coming to you today with another one of Roseau’s greatest attractions.

As you all know, Roseau is known for its rich hockey tradition and because of this, the historic Memorial Arena is one of the most iconic attractions in Roseau. A lot of people know the location of the arena but what many people do not know is that there is a hidden gem located right next door. The Gilbertson Baseball Field is located just 100 steps north of the Memorial Arena and is a classic baseball field that perfectly encapsulates America’s favorite pastime. The field is home to a variety of levels of baseball in Roseau, ranging from seventh graders all the way to the high school baseball team, the Roseau Rams. The atmosphere I felt when I walked into the entrance was a warm, hometown feel that got me excited to watch a baseball game. 

Gilbertson has a very welcoming feel that includes a green and yellow arched sign as you walk into the ballpark. Along with the grand entrance to the ballpark, there is beautiful scenery throughout the complex. As I entered the park, I was greeted by my favorite thing in the world- food. The concession stand is located right next to the entrance to the ballpark and features a classical selection of ballpark food. I ordered myself a hot dog and cheeseburger before taking a look around the field. The more I looked at this field, the more I fell in love with it. Behind home plate is a massive metal grandstand. At a field in a small town like this, I would never expect to see a grandstand of this size and quality. The grandstand sits behind a towering net and backstop that reads, “Roseau Baseball.” 

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I mean, just take a look at the size  of this incredible seating area. As an avid baseball fan, this is a highly underrated aspect of the baseball field that I appreciated.

The playing surface of the baseball field appeared to be very nice. The lines were well-cut and kept in excellent shape. Side note, the groundskeeper does a very good job of keeping this field looking beautiful. The dimensions of the field were similar to a lot of the high school baseball fields that I have been to in my days of exploration. The luscious green outfield is wrapped in by a simple, green metal fence that displays the dimensions of the field in large yellow numbers. The field is 305 feet to the tall, yellow right-field foul pole and 307 feet to the left-field pole. The right-center gap is 365 feet deep and the left-center gap displays 363 feet. The color scheme of everything around this field goes so well together. The green and yellow fence meshes with the enormous trees behind the outfield fence to create a gorgeous combination and make an incredibly beautiful outfield scenery. 

The field has been host to a few historical events in its day and has seen some impressive baseball players over the years.

This field was home to former major league baseball player Kerry Taylor. Taylor played four years here for Roseau High School before playing in the MLB for the San Diego Padres. He is widely regarded as the best baseball player to come out of Roseau, Minnesota.

Another legendary baseball figure to come out of Roseau is Norb Pastor. Pastor was a long-time coach for the Roseau baseball program and to this day boasts the most wins of any coach in the high school’s history. The biggest event the field has hosted was back in 2017. The town hosted the Midwest Plains Regional Baseball Tournament at the thirteen-year-old Babe Ruth level. This was by far the most viewership the field has brought in. The tournament drew the largest crowds and made the loudest noise the field has ever seen. Reminiscing on this tournament gets me excited for this summer, as the field prepares to host the 2023 Minnesota Division II Legion State Tournament. If the tournament goes as I predict it will, the field might see a new attendance record being set this summer.

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The team is just starting their 2023-24 season, coming off a runner-up finish last year in the 2022 MSHSL State Tournament. I was fortunate enough to catch their home opener. I would highly recommend stopping by this hidden gem when you are visiting the town of Roseau. It has the perfect vibe for any person looking to catch a glimpse of America’s pastime. There are gorgeous views, delicious food, and exciting baseball games. Most of all, it is a great place to spend an evening. If you are like me and would like to get some delicious ballpark food and have entertainment for a night, stop by Gilbertson Field and watch the Roseau Rams play baseball.

Story Credit: Aaron Wensloff